Baloch Women’s Forum, an organization active for the basic rights of women in Balochistan, has expressed its concern about the killing of women in the name of honor in different areas of Balochistan, it said in a statement released to media that “Balochistan has been the hub of secularization for centuries. Women and girls have held immense respect by their counterparts in serious and tough situations recorded in the Baloch history. From handing them the swords to lead a war to making them symbol of peace in culmination of any sort of conflict, women have always been at the forefront. However, the recent growing number of cases of honor killings in Balochistan have raised serious concerns about the secular status of Baloch as a nation.On April 3rd a father have killed his daughter Shehzadi d/o Ghulam jan 15 years old after killing a boy named Noor Mohammad s/o Ramzan when a picture went viral on social media of the duo. Though the picture was simple and clear, it caused the girl and boy lose their lives. Neither was it used by the boy, nor by the girl to blackmail or harass anyone but by a third party who have escaped from the eyes of the law.Since the murder, Ghulam jan has fled and law enforcement agencies have failed to make successful raids to arrest him, nor is the local government concerned about making an inquiry to bring forth original facts of the incident. The LEAs are also heedless to probe the matter by inquiring the third party involved in the case.On the other hand, another woman Deedar d/o Dr Hussain was killed by her parents after two years of her marriage of her own choice. Prior to two years, the man Javid brought the marriage proposal which was rejected by the family. As Deedar had come to the age of puberty, she decided to marry the man. They also had a baby. During last two years, the couple wanted to sort out the dispute by applying traditional Balochi way of sending people to their home, but they were reluctant to sort the concern out. On April 7th the family sent people and killed the couple, while injuring their baby.It added “In the two incidents, we have seen that local administrations have been failed to bring the culprits before the prison. Not only this, they have also not initiated any sort of inquiry to identify the root causes of the issues.BWF spokesperson condemn these incidents in the name of honor killing and stress on the need to understand the ground situations of the Baloch society. Honor is more in preserving one’s identity, other than Killing women.Administration of concerned area take action immediately.
Targeting women in the name of honor is a never-ending phenomena – BWF