BLF claims responsibility for attack on Pakistani forces in Kolwah

Major Gwahram Baloch, spokesperson for the Balochistan Liberation Front, claimed in a statement released to the media that “our Sarmachars have attacked the convoy of Pakistan Army near Kolwah Marastan Shah and killed two of their personnel.

According to him, “Baloch Sarmachars attacked the convoy of Pakistan Army on Tuesday, March 5, when the convoy of ten vehicles was returning from Bilor to Shah Batal. As part of the strategy, the Sarmachars attacked the rear vehicle of the convoy with heavy and automatic weapons. attacked with weapons resulting in the death of two officials.

He added “Balochistan is a war-torn region where Pakistan Army is unable to conquer despite using all its machinery. While the patriotism and national character of the Baloch Sarmachars have subjugated the hearts of the people, due to which a large number of people support the Baloch Sarmachars, due to which the state, despite using all its strength, has failed and is helpless on the Baloch soil. Is.

The Balochistan Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the attack and reiterated its commitment to free the Baloch land from oppressive states like Pakistan with public support.

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BNM's Events starts today during 55th Human Rights Council Session

Mon Mar 11 , 2024
The Baloch National Movement begun its series of event on the occasion of 55th UN Human Rights Council session, these events aiming to highlight the critical human rights situation in Balochistan and Baloch facing. The 4th International Balochistan conference, organised by the Baloch National Movement took place on March 11th, […]

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