13 Freedom fighters sacrifices for success of Operation Dara-e-Bolan, 12 Martyrs were Fidayeen and one from Fateh Squad – BLA

In a detailed media statement released from “Hakkal Media” by Jeeyand Baloch, Spokesperson for the Baloch Liberation Army, here by quoting detailed statement “13 valiant fighters of Baloch Liberation Army made the ultimate sacrifice and set high examples of gallantry for the success of operation Dara-e-Bolan. 12 martyrs were fidayeen of BLA Majeed Birgade, whereas one was a highly trained commando of BLA’s elite advancing force, Fateh Squad.

1 – Martyr fidayee Atta Baloch aliash Sheikh Gazk s/o Mohammad Baloch hailed from Heronk in Turbat. He joined the armed struggle for Balochistan’s freedom in 2016, and performed his national duties with courage and bravery. Before joining the armed struggle he was politically active from the platform of BSO. Martyr Atta Baloch voluntarily rendered his services for Majeed Brigade in 2019. He was a highly trained soldier of Baloch liberation struggle. Due to his professional military skills, he was assigned the role of a trainer for a BLA camp. He was operation command of Majeed Brigade during operation Dara-e-Bolan. He was also a Balochi poet. Two brothers-in-law of Atta Baloch alias Sheikh Gazk were martyred by occupying Pakistani military, whereas, his father and uncle were forcibly disappeared for many years.

2 – Fidayee Jamal Baloch alias Qambar Mehrwan s/o Abdul Majeed hailed from Jhao Korho, Awaran. He was a highly educated person with a university degree. Jamal Baloch was an activist of BSO since 2009. He joined Baloch armed struggle in 2015. He was a highly skilled guerrilla warrior and an ideologically motivated political activist. He rendered his services for BLA Majeed Brigade two years ago and completed his fidayee training with utmost dedication. He controlled a very tricky position during operation Dara-e-Bolan, and defended the position till his last bullet and breath.

3 – Fidayee Farooq Baloch alias Chakar was a resident of Aapsir in Turbat. He was a university graduate and an avid reader. He joined Baloch liberation struggle in 2021 and volunteered for Majeed Brigade. He played a very key role during operation Dara-e-Bolan. He detonated his VBIED at the gates of the FC headquarter in Mach, eliminating over a dozen enemy personnel. His selfless act paved the way for the rest of the fidayeen to enter the enemy camp.

4 – Fidayee Salaal Baloch alias Shay Mureed s/o Noor Bibi joined the armed struggle for freedom of Balochistan in 2019. Hailing from Parom in Panjgur, Salal Baloch lived a prosperous life in a foreign country. His national consciousness compelled him to abandon the happy life in a foreign country and return to Balochistan. He joined BLA Majeed Brigade in 2021. He was not only an educated and politically aware individual but also a very brave and intelligent guerrilla warrior.

5 – Fidayee Qasim alias Thangi Lala s/o Fazal Baloch hailed from Heeronk in Turbat. He was affiliated with Baloch armed struggle since 2013. Over the decade, he proved himself as a highly skilled guerrilla warrior and took part in various successful operations. He rendered his services for BLA Majeed Brigade in 2018 and passionately waited for his mission for more than five years. When operation Dara-e-Bolan was assigned to him, he performed his duties devotedly.

6 – Fidayee Saddam alias Hussain Siahpadh alias KD s/o Azeez Mohammad hailed from Erri Kallag in Kharan. 29-year-old Saddam Hussain was an alumni of Tando Jam University in Sindh. He was part of Baloch liberation struggle for last 8 years. In 2016, he was forcibly disappeared by Pakistani occupying forces and suffered brutal torture during detention. By the time of his release, he had come to the conclusion that peaceful means of struggle are not tolerated in Balochistan. Therefore, he joined the Baloch armed struggle. He was a very mature political activist, and a very hardworking guerrilla soldier. He rendered his services to BLA two years ago.

7 – Fidayee Hafiz Zeeshan Zehri alias Sain Beebarg s/o Dr Khan Mohammad Zehri hailed from Peer Sher Zehri in Khuzdar. He joined Baloch armed struggle in 2021 and voluntarily rendered his services for BLA Majeed Brigade in 2022. He was an ideologically cognisant individual and a very brave warrior. He was one of the fidayees that fought till the last day.

8 – Fidayee Hammal Momin alias Kulmeer s/o Mohammad Baloch was affiliated with Baloch armed struggle since 2020. 23-year-old Hammal Momin hailed from Panwan, Jiwani in Gwadar. He rendered his services for BLA Majeed Brigade two years ago. He was a selfless and a conscious guerrilla soldier. During Operation Dara-e-Bolan, he was one of the fidayees that fought their way till the middle of FC headquarters. For two days he fought valiantly without any food, water and sleep. He was a writer and an author of a book. One of his books was published the day he embraced martyrdom.

9 – Fidayee Nizam Baloch alias Sahil Baloch s/o Mohammad Jan hailed from Babbar Shor in Pasni. He voluntarily rendered his services for BLA – Majeed Brigade two years ago. During Operation Dara-e-Bolan, his bravery was exemplary. He singlehandedly fought against a whole group of SSG commandos and eliminated five enemy commandos, forcing the rest of the enemy personnel to retreat.

10 – Fidayee Abdul Wadood Satakzai alias Shehak hailed from Mach city. He was forcibly disappeared by occupying forces in 2021. He was released after suffering months of torture. After his release he concluded that an uncivilised enemy will never understand peaceful political dialogues and only the war can emancipate Baloch nation from slavery and a life of disgrace. A year ago he rendered his services for BLA – Majeed Brigade. Fidayee Wadood Satakzai controlled an important position during the battle and fought gallantly.

11 – Fidayee Nadir Bangulzai alias Baali s/o Abdul Rehman Bangulzai hailed from Killi Bangulzai in Quetta. He rendered his services for BLA – Majeed Brigade a year ago. he was a politically conscious individual and a proper guerrilla warrior. Despite getting injured, he kept advancing and fought against the enemy forces for more than 24 hours.

12 – Fidayee Zeeshan Rind alias Aftab s/o Habeebullah hailed from Nawab Shah in SIndh. Despite living in Sindh he was fully aware of the pain of Baloch nation and Balochistan. Realising his national duties, he joined Baloch armed struggle eighteen months ago, and six months ago he rendered his services for BLA – Majeed Brigade. He played an important role in assuring the success of Operation Dara-e-Bolan. He singlehandedly killed 10 personnel of enemy forces.

13 – Martyr Kashif Shahwani alias Rokain s/o Haji Shah Mohammad Shahwani hailed from Quetta. He joined BLA two years ago and was selected for Fateh Squad a year ago. As a guerrilla warrior he possessed excellent battle skills. Due to his skills, swiftness and courage, he was made part of Fateh Squad. He was at forefront of operation Dara-e-Bolan and his team was the first to enter Mach city. Due to his gallantry, BLA was able to take control of Mach city.Baloch Liberation Army pays rich tribute to the martyrs for their courage, bravery and immortal sacrifices.

BLA vows that these sacrifices will not go in vain. The blood of martyrs will guide the Baloch liberation struggle towards the ultimate goal of an independent Balochistan. Baloch nation should remember the sacrifices of their martyrs and sing their praises in lullabies and hymns for future generations, proving that Baloch nation will never forget the valiant children of Balochistan.

BLA also wants to clarify that 12 out of the 14 dead bodies in hospital mortuary are of BLA fidayeen. The other two are not affiliated with BLA. One of the bodies is of a personnel of levies and another is a peon of an office in Mach city. They both surrendered to BLA and hid in a room nearby to wait for the battle to end. However, the defeated Frontier Corps personnel fired mortars indiscriminately killing both the innocent civilians. Their family members should go and identify them.

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