Balochistan Liberation Front spokesperson claims responsibility for attacking a petroling team of the enemy army in Jhao sedh area of Awaran and killing of five personnel and injuring two others.Major Gwahram Spokesperson for BLF said “Modern automatic weapons were used in this attack, which took place around 11 am on Sunday morning, in which five enemy army personnel were killed on the spot while two others were seriously injured.These daring attacks of Sarmachars on the occupying Pakistani army are so deadly and costly that the occupying army is taking out the anger of the Sarmachars’ attacks by firing mortar shells and torture on the general population.The ongoing war of Baloch National Liberation has put the enemy forces under severe psychological and nervous stress. The army is trying unsuccessfully to hide its declining morale by hiding the casualties of its soldiers killed in various clashes.Balochistan Liberation Front claims responsibility for this attack, He said “we wants to inform its people that BLF considers continuous struggle for its land, national survival and freedom as a national duty. These attacks will continue until the independence of Balochistan.