Shaari Baloch, the daughter of Wahid Qamber, has addressed the enforced disappearance of her father by Pakistani state agencies. In a post on X, she expressed her anguish, stating that the state has deprived her of a father’s love, one of the purest and strongest forms of love.
She revealed that Wahid Qamber, after being released from prison, was continuously harassed and eventually forced to leave Balochistan. While receiving medical treatment in Iran, he was forcibly disappeared by Pakistani state authorities.
Shaari Baloch emphasized that the Pakistani state is fully aware of Wahid Qamber’s identity and his significant role in the Baloch national movement. She asserted that while the state may disappear her father, his ideology will continue to live on. She urged the Baloch nation to uphold his vision in their struggle against oppression and tyranny.
She stated that he always encouraged actions that serve the collective good. According to her, Wahid Qamber believed nothing was more important than the national cause a belief that, she suggested, now drives both Mehlab and herself.