Syed Hashumi Reference Library to be Demolishes for Malir Expressway Construction, Reservations in Baloch Constituencies

The Sayad Hashmi Reference Library is going to be Demolished to pave the path for the construction of Malir Expressway. which is located along the Malir River, and marked the library and several other villages for demolition, Government Official visited.

The construction of the Malir Expressway has led to the destruction of several villages in Malir and has raised environmental concerns. Despite this, Sindh government remains determined to proceed with the project, which is seen as detrimental to both people and the environment.

Mir Muhammad Ali Talpur, a prominent Baloch Scholar and writer shown his concern regarding torn down the Syed Hashmi Library and tweeted that “Destroying libraries, burning schools, disappearing students, targeting teachers like Ustad Saba Dashtyari are part of plan for Erasure of a people and their culture. These acts are aimed at breaking the will to Resist injustices. They haven’t succeeded in 75 year, and will Never.

“Kachkol Ali Advocate, A Baloch Politician has posted on social media saying that ” To my mind the planning of government to demolish the Syeed library is the Counter blast of Mahrang’s recent visit to library, just after her visit to Norway which is totally a psychological and revenge phenomenon of the state apparatus. The behavior of the state to demolish the library which constitute the crime of cultural cleansing of Baloch nation. which is an international substantive crime,by virtue of this library entire Baloch scholars and students have to come to this library for research and preparation to their thesis etc. To demolish the library tantamount to deprived the Baloch nation from their inherent rights of languagist and literary flourishing.

Hafeez Baloch, a prominent activist for indigenous rights in Malir, has been outspoken against the construction of Malir Expressway, asserting that it constitutes a serious environmental violation.

He argues that initiating construction within the Malir River exacerbates the climate crisis, especially considering that Pakistan is ranked as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change.

Ghulam Rasool Kalmati who has diligently cared for the library for years, expressed his anguish and sorrow upon discovering the markings on the walls of the library indicating its impending demolition.

He furthermore said “I am at a loss for words to convey my anger and sorrow,” he lamented. “Seeing the library, which we built with our own hands, on the brink of destruction, just breaks my heart,”

Despite its significance as a valuable resource for researchers and students, Sindh government has not allocated any funds to support the library. Ghulam says, “Yes, we have indeed received markings showing the library is going to be demolished soon.” said Ghulam Rasool Speaking with the Rise News

“Today, they have initiated demolishing Goth Ghulam Mohammad – tomorrow, they will move on to library,” added Hafeez

BalochBaloch Yakjehti Committee, A Dynamic Rights Organization issued a statement to media, Quoting “Demolishing houses and the Sayed Hashumi Reference Library at Gulam Muhammad Goth Malir is atrocious for the indigenous people of Malir, the Balochi language, and cultural heritage. Steps have been taken by the surveyors of the Malir Expressway, a road construction project by the Defence Housing Authority, a multi-billion housing scheme to demolish Goth Gulaam Muhammad.

The DHA has previously been involved in disrupting the ecology of Malir by forcibly vacating many villages in the area.Recently, they have marked several houses and the Sayed Hashumi Reference Library for demolition and deployed heavy machinery to carry out the destruction.

The Sayed Hashumi Reference Library was founded by the martyr Professor Saba Dashtyari. It is a research institution for the Balochi language and our cultural heritage. It is the first and only reference library on Baloch history and culture in the world and serves as a repository of all rare Balochi periodicals and books.

We will never allow such atrocities to destroy our ecology and culture under the guise of development for the elite and exploiters.

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