BLF claims responsibility for the bomb attack in Turbat

Major Gwahram Baloch, Spokesperson for the Balochistan Liberation Front claims that “Our Sarmachars targeted an enemy post in Turbat, the main city of Kech, in a hand grenade attack.

He added” At nine o’clock last night, Sarmachars attacked the Pakistani army post at the signboard in Sangani Sar area of ​​Turbat with a hand grenade attack. Two enemy personnel were injured in the attack.

After the attack, the defeated enemy opened fire indiscriminately, due to which one resident was injured.

Balochistan Liberation Front claimed the responsibility of this attack, the attacks of Baloch Sarmachars will continue until the independence of Balochistan.

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Thu Apr 4 , 2024
According to a detailed statement released by Jaish al-Adal, the attacks, which took place on Wednesday, April 5th, resulted in casualties among Iranian forces, with over 200 military personnel reportedly killed. The group also acknowledged the loss of 18 of its own members during the operations. The coordinated assaults targeted […]

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