The spokesperson for the Baloch National Movement has expressed gratitude for John McDonnell’s motion, recently tabled in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, in support of the ongoing Baloch Long March against the Baloch Genocide and has requested UK parliamentarians for full support.
‘‘We express our gratitude to John McDonnell, the Labour Party, the Scottish National Party, the Democratic Unionist Party, and all parliamentarians of the UK who have raised their voices for humanity. This issue is also a matter of dignity for the the people of United Kingdom, as their tax money is inadvertently supporting the state of Pakistan, implicated in crimes against humanity.’’

The statement emphasized that the situation in Balochistan has deteriorated due to Pakistan’s occupation. Balochistan requires international attention and support to overcome the most challenging period of subjugation in the last 75 years. Now is the opportune moment to extend direct support to the Baloch National Liberation Movement. It is hoped that representatives from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United Nations will align in favor of the Baloch cause.
The spokesperson highlighted that while enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings stand as significant human rights violations in Balochistan, they alone do not encapsulate the entirety of the situation. Balochistan bears a long history and list of atrocities, necessitating careful observation and study for a comprehensive understanding. The Baloch nation aspires to demand their national sovereignty and full authority over their land.

He remarked that following the occupation of Balochistan, the Baloch nation was stripped of its basic rights, leading to the social degradation of the Baloch nation. Even today, the Baloch nation leads a life reminiscent of medieval times and faces backwardness in various aspects. To impede the development of the Baloch nation, their livelihoods have been decimated, mineral resources plundered, marine life subjected to illegal trawling in the sea, and the fertile sea polluted by the Gaddani shipbreaking yard. The influx of pollution, the damming of rivers, and the resulting barren lands have depleted groundwater reserves. If Pakistan’s forced occupation of Balochistan persists for many more years, a significant humanitarian tragedy will unfold, leaving lasting negative repercussions on the region.
The spokesperson for BNM emphasized that despite Pakistani repression and military killings aimed at suppressing their national freedom, the Baloch have steadfastly adhered to the path of peaceful struggle. However, the state of Pakistan consistently undermined these efforts through pretexts, subjecting Baloch political activists to the most severe atrocities. Leaders and activists from peaceful parties like BNM have faced martyrdom in the hundreds, while many have been forcibly disappeared for extended periods. The international community’s assistance is crucial to address the dire human rights situation. Countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and others are urged to refrain from investing in Balochistan in favor of Pakistan and providing it with military and financial assistance.