Washington: The Baloch National Movement (BNM) has established three units to form a new chapter in the United States. Elections for the chapter’s cabinet will be held soon. In this regard, the meeting chaired by BNM Central Counselor Nabi Bakhsh Baloch established the Eastern Region, Western Region and Central Region units.
BNM members from all over the United States gathered in the meeting, including Mir Dost and Sami Baloch. Aslam Baloch was elected Secretary and Abdul Rahim Baloch Deputy Secretary for the Eastern Region Unit, Mir Dost Esa Secretary and Inayat Baloch Deputy Secretary for the Western Region Unit, and Zafar Iqbal Secretary and Fazal Baloch Deputy Secretary for the Central Region Unit.
The following General body meeting will be held next month to elect their cabinet members, and the newly elected body members will take oath during that meeting.